Oct 24, 2017

Android Emulator Creation

To create Android Emulator on your system, first install Android Studio into your system. 

Follow the below steps to create an android emulator using Android Studio.

1. Download Android Studio and install it ( Follow the link if it is not installed in your system Android Studio Installation)

2. Open Android Studio and start a new Android Studio project

3. Once created project successfully, open the AVD manager from intelliJ toolbar

4. Create a new virtual device from the AVD manager

5. Select device category from the category list and choose the model whatever you want

6. Download the packages for whatever version you want and select it and then click on Next

7. Give Android Emulator name in the AVD Name tab and Finish it. It will create a new emulator with the given info and add to AVD manager.

8. Click on 'Play' button to launch the emulator.

Note : If you are not able to launch the emulator when you click on 'Play' button, close the avd manager and restart the studio and try again. If it it is still not able to launch, Update the Ram Size to 700 MB in the "Show Advanced Settings" (6th Step) and try to launch again.

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